I’ve just finished reading a fascinating article about Felicia Mabuza-Suttle. Actually, I’ve read several articles about her this year. She’s a very famous international businesswoman and talk show host in South Africa. Guess what! We have something in common! She and her husband had a “computer marriage” for more than 15 years, and they are still happily married! She’s living in Johannesburg, South Africa; he’s living in Atlanta, Georgia. That’s a whole ocean apart! They met in 1970s. In the first 10 years of their marriage they lived in more than 10 cities. Then, in the early 1990s she returned to South Africa to help her country. It wasn’t an easy life, but they both feel it’s been very worthwhile. Their situation makes our problems seem not that bad. Joe and I are only 3,000 miles apart, and we managed to see each other a lot since we left Detroit. But, to be honest, I was happier when we lived together in Detroit. I hope we can live together again someday soon.
30 jun 2010
An Interview
- How long have you been married?
- How long have you lived in Detroit?
- When have you got a job offer?
- When have your company moved?
- How long have you lived apart?
- How often you saw each other last month?
- How often have you seen each other this month?
- When have you started to communicate by e-mail?

- In the 1990s Joe had long hair. Since then, he has worn his hair very short.
- In the 1990s Joe was a clean-shaven. Since then, he has grown a beard.
- In the 1990s Joe was heavy. Since then, he has loose some weight.
- In the 1990s Joe was a student. Since then, he has become a professor.
- In the 1990s Joe lived in a dormitory. Since then, he has bought a house.
- In the 1990s Joe was single. Since then, he has got married.
Phone Conversation
Joe: Hi, hon! How was your day? I bet you’re glad it’s over.
Maria: I’m Ok—a little tired. I only slept a few hours last night. I’m writing this big report, and I haven’t stopped worrying about it all week.
Joe: You were tired for weeks. You need to relax a little. Listen—why don’t I come see you this weekend? We’ve seen each other only twice this month.
Maria: Sound great, but remember the last time you came? I haven’t done any work, and I still haven’t catch up.
Joe: I understand. Now, why don’t you have a cup of coffee and relax?
Maria: Coffee! You’re kidding! I’ve already had five cups today. And yesterday I drank at least six. I can drink another drop.
Joe: You have a rough week. Try to get some sleep.
Maria: I can’t go to sleep yet. I haven’t finished my report, and it’s due tomorrow.
Joe: Well, I hope it goes fast. Good night, hon. I’ll call you tomorrow.
Maria: Bye honey. Speak to you tomorrow.
It Hasn’t Been Easy
Thursday, September 28
It’s 8:00 P.M. it’s been a hard day, and it’s not over yet! I still have to work on that report. I began it last night, but so far I wrote only two pages. And it’s due tomorrow! Work has been so difficult lately. I worked late every night this week. I feel exhausted and I haven’t gotten much sleep last night. And, of course, I miss Joe. Even though I saw him last week, it seems like a long time ago. This commuter relationship is beginning to get me down. We lived apart for too long. Oh, there’s the phone. I hope its Joe.
Discover The Grammar
It’s 2005. Joe’s family moved to Houston in 1995. They still live there.
Joe’s family has lived in Houston for 10 years.
Last year Joe and Maria enjoyed their vacation in Canada.
They had a good time.
Joe is telling his friend about present job. His friend asks,
“How long have you been there?”
Joe is telling Maria that the weather in Los Angeles has been too hot for the past five days.
The weather is uncomfortable now.
Joe studied the piano for 10 years, but he doesn’t play anymore.
Joe played the piano for 10 years.
Maria wants to move to Los Angeles from Boston, but she must find a job first. She is interviewing for a job in Los Angeles. She says,
“I’ve lived in Boston for two years.”
This month Maria and Joe have met once in Boston and once in Los Angeles. They will meet once more in New York.
They’ve seen each other twice his month.
Maria’s mother visited Maria in Boston. When she got home, she wrote,
“It was a great visit.”
Maria and Joe haven’t e-mailed each other this week.
Joe’s computer has been broken.
We have received many comments from our clients. We’d like to share some with you.
I’ve always been afraid of heights. But after I saw the beautiful photos on your website, I knew I had to go hot-air ballooning! This has been one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you!
Britta Kessler, Germany
We’ve just returned from the best vacation we’ve ever had. I’ve told all my friends about your company.
James Hudson, Canada
I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot-air balloon. I was not disappointed.
Antonio Vega, Mexico.
I’ve just gotten my photos back! Fantastic!
Bill Hampton, USA
I’ve never gone hot-air ballooning, but after visiting your wonderful website I’ve decided to sign up!
Amalia Lopes, Brazil
We gave our parents a balloon trip as an anniversary gift. They’ve just written to say it was fantastic. They’ve ever been very adventurous, but now they want to go rafting!
Pat Calahan, Ireland
Have you ever seen the face of a kid on a hot-air balloon ride? The cost of the ride: a lot. That look on her face: priceless!
Lydia Hassan, New Zealand
I broke my leg last month, so I haven’t been able to do sports—boring lately! Your mountain balloon trip has just given me a lift—in more than one way!
May Roa, Philippines
First Time Up!
Evan: Hot-air ballooning! What’s it like? I’ve never done this before!
Andy: You’ll love it. I’ve went up a few times, but I haven’t done it lately.
Evan: Have you traveled a lot?
Andy: Yes, I have. I’m a travel writer, so it’s part of my job.
Evan: That’s great! Have you ever been on a safari?
Andy: No, I haven’t, but I’ve always wanted to go.
Evan: Me too. I’ve been to Africa several times. In fact, I’ve just got back from a trip there. But I’ve never been on a safari.
Andy: Look. They have just finished getting the balloon ready. It’s time to go up!

- He hasn’t rented a car.
- He’s rented a motorcycle.
- He hasn’t ridden a camel.
- He’s jumped out of an airplane with a parachute.
- He’s gone up in a hot-air balloon.
- He hasn’t spent time on a desert island.
- He’s eaten some really unusual food.
- He hasn’t taken photos of wild animals up close.
- He hasn’t crossed the Andes on horseback.
- He’s sailed a boat on the Nile River.
- He’s swum with dolphins in the ocean.
- He hasn’t been on a safari.
- He hasn’t flown around the world.
- He hasn’t gone on an organized trip.
TT: As a travel writer, you’ve visited many places. Any favorites?
RG: Thailand. It’s a beautiful, amazing country. I’ve been there fives times, and I can’t wait to go back.
TT: What is your most unusual travel experience?
RG: My most unusual? I have so many! I’ve swum near sharks (in a cage, of course!), I’ve eaten dinner next to an active volcano, I’ve slept in an ice hotel in Finland…
TT: The world has become a lot smaller. There are fewer “undiscovered” places. Have you ever found a really great place and decided not to tell your readers about it?
RG: No. I’ve thought about doing that a few times, but I have never kept a place secret. I have always written about it.
TT: Where have you just come back from?
RG: I have just returned from a hot-air ballooning trip in Australia. It was really fantastic.
TT: Where are you going next?
RG: On an African safari! I have never gone on one, and I really excited.
TT: Good luck! I look forward to your African safari article.
Adventure vacations have become very popular.
They are popular now. TRUE
I have never been to eh Himalayas.
I went to the Himalayas a long time ago. FALSE
I’ve just returned from China.
I was in China a short time ago. TRUE
Greg asks you, “Have you ever been to Costa Rica?”
Greg wants to know when you were in Costa Rica. FALSE
Marta asks you, “Have you read any good travel books lately?”
Marta wants to know about a travel book you read last year. FALSE
We have visited Egypt several times.
This is not our first visit to Egypt. TRUE
Ask The Party Planner!
Doug asked: Help! My party is next week and I haven’t figured out the food yet! I’ve already wasted three days worrying, and I still don’t have any ideas. What should I do?
The Party Planner’s Advice is: Don’t panic! Your guests haven’t started arriving yet, so there’s still time. Ask everyone to bring something! (You’ve already invite people, right?) Or order pizza. I haven’t met anyone yet who doesn’t like pizza.
Rosa asked: I’d like to find a “theme” for my next birthday party. I’ve already had a pasta party (10 kinds of pasta!), and I’ve already given a movie party (everyone dressed up as a movie character). Any ideas?
The Party Planner’s Advice is: Sure. Have you tried this one already? No yet? Ask each guest to bring a baby photo of him- or herself. Collect the photos. People try to match the photos with the guests! Your guests will love it!
First Things First

- He’s already picked a date.
- He hasn’t chosen a time yet.
- He’s already found a location.
- He’s already written a guest list.
- He’s already bought invitations.
- He hasn’t sent invitations yet.
- He hasn’t asked friends to help yet.
- He hasn’t planned the menu yet.
- He’s already picked out music.
- He hasn’t shopped for food yet.
- He hasn’t cleaned the house yet.
- He’s already borrowed some chairs.
Party Talk
A: This is a great party. Have you tried the cake yet?
B: No, I haven’t. But I’m going to have a piece now.
A: Jenna, I’d like you to meet my friend Carlos.
B: We have already met. Marta introduced us.
A: Would you like another cup of coffee?
B: No, thanks. I have already had three cups!
A: I don’t see Jenna. Has she left yet? It’s still early!
B: No, she hasn’t. She’s in the Kitchen.
A: Have you seen Coppola’s new movie already?
B: Yes, I have. It’s great. What about you?
A: I haven’t seen it yet, but I want to.
A: This will be a great party. I’m giving my own party next week.
B: I have already planned the whole thing, but I’m still a little nervous about it.
Discover The Grammar
I’ve already given many parties.
This will be my first party. FALSE
I haven’t baked the cake yet.
I plan to bake a cake. TRUE
Have the guests arrived yet?
I’m surprised that the guests are here. FALSE
Has Jenna left already?
I’m surprised that Jenna left. TRUE
Have you had a cup of tea yet?
I don’t know if you had a cup of tea. TRUE
Carlos has already met my sister.
I need to introduce Carlos to my sister. FALSE
29 jun 2010
A Résumé
ITERVIEWER: How long have you lived in San Antonio?
INGRID: I’ve lived in San Antonio for 15 years.
ITERVIEWER: How long have you had your M.A. degree?
INGRID: I’ve had my M.A. degree since 1995.
ITERVIEWER: Have you had any more training since you got your M.A?
INGRID: I haven’t had any more training since I got my M.A.
ITERVIEWER: How long have you been a physical education teacher?
INGRID: I’ve been a physical education teacher since 1997.
ITERVIEWER: How long have you worked as a sports trainer?
INGRID: I’ve worked as a sports trainer for 11 years.
ITERVIEWER: How long have you had a black belt in tae kwon do?
INGRID: I’ve had a black belt for 2 mos.
ITERVIEWER: I see you won a medal in skateboarding. Have you won any awards?
INGRID: Yes, I won the silver medal in Texas Skateboarding Contest. I won the Teacher of the Year Award in 1998.
ITERVIEWER: How long have you been a member of the NEA?
INGRID: I’ve been a member since 1998.
Skateboarding Facts.
- Skateboarding has been popular for more than 50 years.
- Skateboards have been around since the 1930s. The first ones were simple wooden boxes on metal wheels. They have changed a lot since then!
- The first skateboarding contest took place in California in 1963. Since then, thousands of contests have taken place all over the world.
- In 1976, the first outdoor skate park opened in Florida. Since then, hundreds of parks have been opened in countries around the world.
- Skateboarding can be dangerous. Since last year, more than 15,600 people in the United States alone have gone to hospital emergency rooms because of injuries.
- When he was seven years old, Jon Comer lost his right foot as a result of a car accident. But that didn’t stop him. Since then, he has become one of the best-know professional skateboarders in the world.
- Tony Hawk hasn’t competed professionally for many years, but he is still the most famous and successful skateboarder in the world.
For Love Of The Sport
- Maria Andrade has lived in Sao Paulo since 1995.
- She has been a sportswriter for four years.
- Since June she has written several articles about skateboarding.
- This sport has been very popular in Brazil for many years.
- Mariana has met Burnquist twice since she started her job.
- She loves to skate, but she hasn’t skated for a long time.
- She has been married to Alvaro, another skater, since 2003.
- They’ve had their own house for two years, and they’ve been parents since July.
Discover The Grammar
Caterina has been a skater since 1998.
She is still a skater.
She has had long hair since she was a little girl.
She has long hair now.
She lived in the same apartment for ten years.
She moved a few years ago.
Caterina and Roque were married for five years.
They are not married now.
They haven’t been on vacation since 2001.
They were on a vacation in 2001.
Caterina hasn’t won a contest for two years.
She won a championship two years ago.
28 jun 2010
Saltillo is a great place to travel to. It’s beautiful and has a lot of things to do or places to visit. Let’s check it out. Saltillo is located in the north of Mexico. Saltillo has celebrations like “Santo Cristo de la Capilla”. It has traditional sarapes that have different designs and there are no two sarapes alike. They have many colors because they are like the rainbow. Saltillo has interesting arquitecture, too, like what can be observed in the “Cathedral de Santiago” or in the “Ateneo Fuente”, which is also a place that has a good academic tradition. And why don’t you visit some museums? Saltillo has some of the most important museums in Mexico, The Natural History Museum and the Pinacoteca Artemio del Valle Arizpe. At the same time, Saltillo has more museums like The Angostura Museum, The Bird Museum, The Chapulin, and The Desert Museum. The latter is a beautiful place to spend time with your family and is too big to see everything, but try to experience all you can. How about if I tell you that in Saltillo we have a fair? Yes, in Saltillo we have a fair, the Rock Coahuila Fest, The Independence Shout, the Guelaguetza and more festivals to go to. There are so many reasons to visit Saltillo.
This Place Needs Work

They should empty the trash. Yes, and they ought to repair the copier. And they’d better clean up all the trash in the office. Yes, because it is nasty. But after this, they should repair the broken window. Yeah that’s so important, because maybe someone could get an injury. They ought to repair the lights in the roof someone could get electrocuted. They should finish their work quickly. They shouldn't eat or drink among the computers. They should get a new tapestry for the wall. They should buy a new computer chair. They ought to buy more computers for working.
Problems Solving
A: I’m having trouble making friends.
B: Maybe you should go out more times.
C: I think you ought to spend more time in parties or socializing with more people.
D: You’d better go out now to the party.
A: I’m not earning enough money.
B: I think you ought to get a new job.
C: You should go out and find a job with a better salary.
D: You’d better borrow some money from other persons.
A: I don't have enough free time.
B: You should stop studying every night.
C: I think you ought to take fewer classes.
D: You could take the afternoon free.
Learning English
You should always speak English with your classmates.
You shouldn’t worry about speaking fast. It’s not important.
You should to pay attention to the person who is speaking in English because maybe you can’t understand what he says.
I think you ought to buy your material before start to take classes.
You’d better take classes with a good teacher.
You’d better not take classes with a person who doesn’t like to teach or speak English.
I think you should follow these rules to learn English better.
24 jun 2010
- Lion
- Turtles
- Fish
- Elephants
- Reptiles
- Birds
- Photography
- Paint
- Draw
- Decorate
- Architecture
- Trucks
- Four-wheel motorcycle
- Buggie
- Computers
- Videogames
- Blogging
- Dancing
- Music
- Parties
- Movies
- Save animals
- Save ecosystem
- Be green
- Recycle
- Green Peace
- To Spain
- Australia
- Island
- Irland
- England
- English
- French
- German
- Mandarin
23 jun 2010
Phrasal Verbs
Can you shut off the machine?
Switch the light on.
I going to take you back your books.
Please take the shirt off, it’s dirty.
You talked me into to doing something stupid.
You need to talk this over with your parents.
I need to tear down this building.
Carlos tears off in his car.
Luis is going to tear up this paper before he puts it in the trash.
I’m thinking over the things that you said.
My sister is thinking up her project for the science test.
You need to throw away those things.
I try clothes on before buying them.
Please, Coach, you need to try Carlos out for the soccer team.
Turn down the radio.
We turn homework in for the English class.
My son will turn into a man.
When my sister screams, she turns me off.
Turn off the machine, please.
Can you please turn up the TV?
You need to use up this color before buying a new one.
Class wake up! We have an exam today.
I work the problems out in math class.
I need to write the homework down.
Conversation IV
Hey Ana, Can I see you at the concert?
Yes, It’s Ok.
Thanks. See you there.
Do you mind if I borrow your camera for the concert?
No, I don’t.
Ok. Thanks. I’ll give it to you later.
The concert was great!
Really? Did you use my camera?
No, I didn’t. I forgot it in the car.
Oh! That’s too bad.
Can you let me see your autograph?
conversation III
Hey Luis do you want to visit some friends?
Perfect, we are going to visit at 5:00, is that Ok?
It’s Ok. May I borrow some food?
Yes, you may.
Hey Juan do you mind if I close the window? It’s so cold.
No, that’s Ok. You can close the windows.
Conversation II
Hey Carlos are you going to my party today?
I don’t know my mom doesn’t want to give me permission.
No matter. I’ll talk to her.
But it’s a small or big party?
It’s a small party for only a few persons.
Do you mind if my cousins go to the party?
Yes, I do. Because I arrange for certain people.
Conversation I
Mom, can I go to a concert in another city with a friend?
Yes, no problem. But who is your friend?
Is Carlos. But I want to ask you a question
Sure; you can ask me every question you want.
Could you let me to borrow the car?
Who will be drive? You?
No mom, Carlos wants to drive.
Ok, but did Carlos have license?
Of course.
Do you mind if I check the Carlos license?
No, it’s doesn’t matter.
22 jun 2010
Things To Do Before I Die.
How Can They Do That? By Jennifer Andrews
Last night was the first time I saw the group Pilobolus perform. And what a performance it was! I would like to can tell you that I fully understood the performance, but I can’t. I can to say, however, that the experience was completely wonderful.
Pilobolus is a very unusual group. Their performers have no background in dance. When they began, they though, “Maybe we can’t dancing, so why try?” So they just made interesting shapes with their bodies. Well, this group certainly cans dance, and they are able to do much more. The six dancers in the group are athletic, artistic, and very talented. They are able do amazing things with their bodies. In many dances, they move together as a single unit.
My theater companion and I had great seats. We could saw the entire stage (not always true in some theaters). The sound system, though, had a few problems, and we didn’t able to hear the music clearly all the time.
Some people in the audience asked: “Is it dance or is it gymnastics?” You can decide for yourself. Many people weren’t able to got tickets for the first two performances of this series, but you can still buy tickets for next week.
This is the type of performance everyone can enjoy.
Highly recommended.
For a long time, Jim and Marie couldn’t agree on a family sport. Jim loves tennis, and Marie takes lessons, but she still can play. Marie ca swim, but Jim hates the water. They recently took up dancing. Now, they recently took up dancing. Now they could do swing and spend time together.
Stefan has made a lot of progress in English. Last semester he couldn’t order a meal in a restaurant or talk on the telephone. His friends helped him do everything. Now he can speak English in a lot of situations.
Bill almost can’t make his class presentation last semester because he was so nervous. He could communicate well in small groups, but not in big ones. He plans to take a course in public speaking. I’m sure he can improve quickly.
Last year I can’t dance at all, but when I met Stan, I signed up for class right away. He could really dance, and I wanted to dance with him. Now I can do the basic steps. I can’t do the waltz yet, but we’re planning to waltz at our wedding next month.
At The Studio
A: I hard your sister wanted to take lessons. Was she able to start?
B: Yes, she was. She started last month. She can do the fox-trot now, but she still isn’t able to do the waltz.
A: Why are you tacking dance lessons?
B: I want to be able to dance at my wedding.
A: Are you able to find Mrs. Suraikin at the studio yesterday?
B: Yes. She told me I’m able to compete in the tango contest next month!
A: Great! I know that’s really important to you.
B: Yes. Be able to do the tango in a contest means a lot to me.
A: Was you able to speak Russian as a child, Mrs. Suraikin?
B: Yes, I was. We spoke it at home, so I was able to speak it fluently.
A: Was your children able to speak Russian too?
B: No, unfortunately my children never learned Russian. They only speak English.
A: I’m not able do practice the waltz last weekend because I hurt my ankle.
B: That’s too bad. Are you able to practice next week?
NINA: Can you see the stage OK?
LEON: Yes, I can see it fine. What about you?
NINA: No, I can’t see it very well at all. The man in front of me is too tall.
LEON: Change seats with me. You will be able to see it better then.
NINA: Wow! This performance is great. This group can dance really beautifully!
LEON: I know. I’m glad I can get tickets. Last year I couldn’t get any. They were sold out.
NINA: What’s their name?
LEON: I’ll spend it for you. It’s P-i-l-o-b-o-l-u-s. I’m not sure I could pronounce it correctly!
NINA: It’s intermission. Would you like to get something to eat?
LEON: Oh, I’m afraid I can’t pay anything. I left my wallet at home by mistake.
NINA: No problem. I can lend you some money.
LEON: Thanks. I will be able to pay you back tomorrow.
NINA: Are you able to dance the tango?
LEON: No yet! But I’m taking dance lessons, so I will be able to dance it soon!
Phrasal Verbs II
- I’m going to leave you out of the Project because you don’t do anything.
- My parents are let down of me because I fail English.
- The teacher let you in to the class.
- I need to light up the room because there is no electricity.
- You need to look over the instructions to do the exercise.
- I’m looking up this word on the dictionary.
- My sister is making up an article about animals.
- I’m going to pass on these articles to you.
- The teacher asks for pass out the exams.
- In the exam I’m going to pass over the pen because it’s doesn’t erase.
- The coach passes you up for the team because you don’t go to practice.
- I need to pay you back the money you give last night.
- My sister picks out those jeans from all clothes in the store.
- I’m going to pick you up to the party.
- Can you please pick up the phone?
- The instructions are pointing out what to do in the exercise.
- Put that away from me! I don’t like the animals.
- Please put back the books into the library.
- You need to put down to the animals you are allergic to them.
- My brother put off for the game because it was raining.
- You don’t need to put lotion on today there’s not going to be girls.
- Put those ingredients together for make the pancake.
- You must need to put this building up because it’s curved.
- My uncle set up a clothes store in Mexico.
21 jun 2010
Phrasal Verbs
- I’m asking Mario over to play with the dog.
- Can you please blow out those papers?
- Charlie! Don’t blow it up!
- I’m bringing back these books to the library.
- Please don’t bring up the kid he just ate.
- Class! Please bring up the presentation; tomorrow there will be a quiz over this.
- Don’t burn down those papers; I need to see something in them.
- Hey! You didn’t call me back! I left you a message.
- Mary! I need to call off today’s reunion.
- I really need to call him up, it’s so important.
- We are going to carry out the party for Rodrigo, even if it’s going to be difficult.
- My mom wants me to clean up my room.
- My sister asks me if I want to clear up the homework.
- Carlos closed the door really hard, and the teacher was angry.
- The factory closed down for the summer, as there is so little work for them now.
- I need to cover the cake up before the flies get to it.
- In kinder garden, the teacher said that we needed to cross out our wrong answers.
- I need to do my homework over because is wrong.
- For weight loss I need to drink up 2 liters of water daily.
- Juan drops me off at the party.
- I need to empty the pool out for vacation time.
- My sister wants to figure out her assignment before the exam.
- Maria needs to figure out the puzzle.
- In this exercise you need to fill in the blanks.
- Carla filled out the application for work at this OXXO.
- Hey! Give me back that sweater! It’s mine!
- Never give up; you have a lot of opportunities.
- My mother asked me to hand in these papers to the teacher.
- The teacher handed the homework out to the class.
- Hand over the money! This is an assault.
- Perla helped me out with my assignment.
- Keep that away from me!
- It’s cold! Keep your clothes on.
- I’m keeping out of this restaurant because I got sick here last time.
- I need to lay off from so much homework.
- Leave on your jacket! It’s cold outside.
Role Model
I have three older brothers, but my role model is my next oldest brother, Orlando. He was always there for me when we were growing up. I was very small, and he always kept the bullies away. When I couldn’t figure out my homework problems by myself, he helped me out. Orlando never gave up when he had problems. Once in High School, my baseball team passed me up for pitcher. I wanted to give up the team, but he talked it over with me and finally talked me into playing. In fact, he woke up early every morning to practice with me. When they choose me for pitcher the following year, we were really proud of ourselves—he was proud of me for succeeding, and I was proud of him for being such a great coach.
- Maria often goes to the movies by herself.
- Paul set up his own business in 1999.
- That frog is poisonous. Don’t pick it up!
- Sharon didn’t want to study, but we talked her into it.
- We’re going your way. Do you want us to drop you off at home?
- When Brad and I study together, we help each other a lot.
- After I graduated from High School, I went on to college.
- He borrowed two books from me; he hasn’t given them back yet.
- Could you turn down the music so we can sleep?
- We’ll turn it off and go to sleep too.
A: This field trip will be difficult. Please think over your decision carefully.
B: OK. I’ll think it over this weekend and let you know on Monday.
A: Did you write down the flight number for our trip?
B: Yes, I wrote it down on an envelope. Now where did you put the envelope?
A: Are we going to pick up Pam on the way to the airport?
B: No. We don’t have to pick her up. She has a ride.
A: Don’t forget to put on your hat. That sun is hot.
B: I’ll put in on before I leave.
A: Someone please help Ramón out. That pack’s too heavy for one person.
B: OK. I’ll help him out. We can carry it together.
A: Why did you pick out cat’s claw to study? It’s such a common plant.
B: I picked it out because people use it for a lot of different things.
A: When are you going to write up your notes?
B: I’ll write them up as soon as we get back.
When you were growing up, did you think that tomatoes grew in supermarkets? Did you realize that cotton was a plant before it turned into your new gym socks? New Yorker Wendy Dubit found out that a lot of city kids don’t know anything about farms. She used her own money to set up Farm Hands/City Hands. This organization buses city people to small farms. Children and adults from all social classes help out on family farms and receive room and food in exchange. They also learn things you can’t look up. One lawyer noted, “I worked with the tomatoes for weeks. Now I can pick out the perfectly ripe ones and pass over the ones that need a few more days on the vine.” Many people start small gardens of their own when they get back to the city.
After the success of Farm Hands/City Hands, Dubit went on to invent Project Ongoing to train homeless people in farm work and food services. The project has been so successful that participants get by on the food that they grow. They sell any extra. They hand the profits over to the program.
Review Test I
When Marta’s company laid her off, she told herself it was time to start her own business. Like Marta, a lot of people dream about starting their own businesses and working for themselves. Unfortunately, very few succeed. Are you a self-starter? Read about the qualities of successful business owners and decide for yourself.
- Do you have a lot of energy? Self-starters have lots of energy. They push themselves very hard, and their families often have to force them to take a break.
- Can you lead others? Good team members work well with one another, but self-starters must lead themselves.
- Do you like to challenge yourself? Self-starters get bored when things are too easy.
- Are you self-confident? Self-starters have lots of self-confidence. You need to believe in yourself even when nobody else believes in you.
- Do you have social support? Self-starters need good friends and family so don’t forget them when you get busy. Even independent people need someone to listen to their problems.
Dear Dara
Dear Dara,
Welcome! I hope you enjoy staying here this week. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- The mail is delivered every day around noon. You’ll find it in the mailbox in front of the building. Please pick it up and put it on the dining room table.
- Feel free to use air conditioner, but please turn it off when you leave the house.
- There’s plenty of food in the refrigerator! Please feel free to use it up.
- I’m expecting a few phone calls. If you’re home, could you please take a message? Just write it down on the yellow pad in the top left desk drawer
I think you’ll find that the apartment is pretty comfortable. I hope you enjoy staying in it. Make yourself at home!
See you in a week.
Dear Felicia
Thanks for staying in my apartment next weekend and taking care of the dog. Help yourself to the food in the fridge—you can use it all up if you want. I rented some vides for you. They’re on top of the TV. I picked out some action movies. I hope you like them. The VCR is easy to use, but remember to turn it down at 11:00 PM. My upstairs neighbor is very touchy about noise. There are just a few other things to remember. Red’s friendly, but please keeps her away from my neighbor’s poodle. They don’t like each other. Her bowl is on the kitchen counter. Fill it up once a day with dry food. Please walk her twice a day. When you go out, remember to turn on the answering machine. It’s in the living room. The Sunday newspaper arrives at about 8:00 A.M. Pick it up early—sometimes it disappears! When you leave for work Monday, just leave the keys with Mrs. Delgado next door. I’ll get them from her when I get back.
Thanks Again!
17 jun 2010
The Secret

I think “The Secret” is an excellent book. It Helps you to know how to think in life, how to do something, etc. I think it is helping me a lot with my friends, my family, and the school, in everything. There are two versions of the book; the first is the red one which gives you explanations about how you need to live your life in the correct order, not making stupid things, this version is mostly for adults. The blue one is more for teens, because it’s written in the teen English language, this book to you how to help your dreams to come true, and to be whatever you want to become. It talks about how to get what you want by being positive and attracting great things and people. This book has many options to create your perspective of your life. I think is a great book to read so I recommend it to you because I like this book.
My real-super-most exciting-perfect future-dream
My real-super-most exciting-perfect future-dream is to travel around the world with my girlfriend visiting new places, museums, catching every moment in a picture, meeting new people, without caring about time. I want to be in love with a person that likes me for whom I am, for what I do and want. I want to go around the world learning about the civilizations, the countries, and the stories of young peoples about their lives. I want to eat the different kinds of food in every country. I want to have enough money to travel and to buy food, clothes, a place to live or stay, etc. I want to have a blog in which I publish every experience I live in the world for the world see what I do. I want to dance on every dance floor of the clubs in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. I want to learn about animals that live in every country; see how they behave, see how they survive in the ecosystem. If I have the opportunity, I want to meet famous people in the photography or design work.
Describing Picture

The woman in the couch is sitting by herself. The man is looking at himself in the mirror. Oh no I think he wants to steal the mirror. The two men in the back are introducing themselves to each other. The woman in a long dress at the food table is talking to herself. She is asking herself if she really wants more salad, ice, etc. The four people in the front on the right are talking to each other. I think the people talking to each other are two couples. A couples os talking to each other in the front center of the picture.One of the people staring at each other is a man. The lady sitting by herself on the couch is hoping someone will come to talk her. The lady in the long blue dress in the center of the photo an the lady in the red dress are waving to each other.
Things I Like
These are the most important things I want and I like. I want to finish the High School in the ITESM, figure out a career and study in Spain. I want to make a trip to Spain; especially to Vitoria and Madrid. While I'm there, I hope to visit restaurants and museums, and view the countryside’s, etc. I want a professional camera, a Cannon, to take pictures of everything I like. I want a car, the new Mazda 6 in black color. I want happy people for friends, and i hope to meet amazing people on the trip. I'd particularly like to meet people who know about cameras, pictures and other stuff like that and want to help me with it. I want to meet good photographers who will want to help me in my projects. I want some new computer programs to edit my photos and create animations and other stuff. The girl I want to be my girlfriend needs to have these characteristics: she needs to be herself most of all. I hope she will be funny, creative, kind, happy, and attractive to me. She needs to like me for who I am. I hope she always have a smell like perfume, and that she will like to dance every kind of music and like to listen every kind of music. I alos want her to like to cook, like animals, movies, etc., as I do.
15 jun 2010
Exercise XI
- Before I moved to Chicago, I used to live in the country.
- We are going to study tonight until we finish the chapter.
- It’s a one-way street, so don’t turn left here.
- When Sid graduates next June, he will live in the city.
- Where you go after you left last night?
- Who did you see while you were leaving the bank?
- It usually is rains a lot here every winter, but last year it didn’t.
- Were you watching TV when I called you last night?
- You’ll see the bank when you get to Main Street.
- We didn’t hear the doorbell when he arrived because we were eating.
- Years ago, I didn’t use to like rock music, but now I love it.
- The movie starts at 7:30, so I think I’ll go.
- Do you want to go with me, or are you studying tonight?
Exercise X
- What are you reading? You look fascinated.
- I’m reading about the Internet. Did you know it began in the 1960s?
- Jill, please give me your e-mail address again. I lost it.
- My e-mail address is jillski4@data.com. Don’t lose it again!
- How are you, Naruyo? You seem a little tired these days.
- I’m taking some evening classes this semester, and I have a lot of homework.
- I remember you. You used to go to school here.
- You have a good memory. I went here for only a month.
- Will you buy an electric car when they become cheaper?
- I think I’ll wait until electric cars are really cheap.
- Were you driving when it started to rain?
- It was raining while we were having dinner.
- He’ll find a good job when he graduates next year.
- What classes are you taking now?
wh questions in a conversation.
A: Where did you go last night?
B: I went to the movies.
A: Really? Who went with you?
B: Mona did. She goes every weekend.
A: What did you see?
B: We saw “Earthquake”
A: You look upset. What happened?
B: Nothing happened. I’m just tired.
A: What did you get on the math test?
B: I got an A.
A: Wow! Big improvement. Who did you study with?
B: I studied with Ana. It really helped.
Exercise VIII
- Laila will need some new furniture when she moves.
- As soon as you get to Oak Street, you will see the library.
- We will stay here tonight until we finish the report.
- After Sid graduates next June, he will live in the city.
- I will read the newspaper while I’m eating breakfast.
- They will buy a car when they save enough money.
- Carmen will call me before she leave.
- By the time you turn 30, there will be a shuttle to the moon.
A: Do you and Nora have plans for the weekend?
B: Yes, we’re going to a concert on Saturday. I just bought the thickets.
A: I can’t believe I got into medical school.
B: You’ll be a doctor in just a few years!
A: Oh no! I forgot to deposit my paycheck yesterday.
B: I’ll deposit it for you. It’s on my way.
A: I’m taking the train to Boston tomorrow.
B: Oh. What time does it leave?
A: Take your umbrella. It’s going to rain.
B: Thanks. I didn’t listen to the weather report this morning.
A: My son is really interested in science fiction.
B: Maybe he’ll have a career in space exploration when he grows up.
A: Look at Reachel’s face. I think she’s going to cry.
B: Poor kid. She really wants to come with us today.
A: It’s almost June. What are we going to do for the summer?
B: How about summer school?
A: Will Mahmoud call back this afternoon?
B: He promised to call, but he’s usually in class all afternoon.
A: Should I make a reservation at Dino’s for tonight?
B: It’s already arranged. We are meeting there at 6:00.
Telephone conversation
A: Hi, I’m glad you’re home! No one answered a few minutes ago.
B: I wa moving the lawn when the phone rang. What’s up?
A: I had a little accident with the car. Nothing serious—no injures.
B: Oh, that’s good. How about the car?
A: It’s Ok. There isn’t much damage. I wasn't driving fast when I hit the bus.
B: The bus! How did you do that?
A: I was trying to find a special radio station, so I wasn't paying attention.
B: Did you call the police?
A: No. It happened in front of a police station. An officer appeared before I even got out of the car. After the officer left, I called the insurance company.
B: Well, I’m just glad you’re Ok.
Reading test
Teacher: Do you read the book?
Class: No teacher.
Teacher: Why didn't you read the book?
Class: Because we had a lot of homework.
Teacher: Ok. For tomorrow, study for the Quiz.
Class: What? Teacher no! We have a game today afternoon.
Teacher: I don’t care. You should have read the book the last week.
Class: Ok. Teacher. Tomorrow we have a quiz.
Next Day.
Teacher: This is an open book quiz.
Class: That’s ok teacher. It’s a great idea.
Teacher: Here are the questions. Who was the murderer of Ana?
Class: The murderer of Ana was Leo.
Teacher: And Who was Leo?
Class: Leo was Ana’s neighbor.
Teacher: Where did Ana live?
Class: Ana lived in Queens, New York.
Teacher: Who was Ana?
Class: Ana was a student of arts.
Teacher: What did Ana make?
Class: Ana made beautiful paintings of places in New York City.
Teacher: Why did the murderer kill Ana?
Class: because she was pregnant, and the child was his.
Teacher: Did Leo's family know about Ana’s child?
Class: No, they didn’t.