Q: Will it take a long time to get used to zero gravity?
A: No, it won’t. Every day you will feel more comfortable, and after three days you will became used to being in space.
Q: Will I feel sick?
A: Yes, you might feel sick for a little while. But it last long.
Q: I love to read. How will I be able to keep a book open to the right page?
A: Actually, reading a book in space can be quite a problem. You will need strong clips to hold the book open. It can be a little frustrating at first, but after a while you will get used to it.
Q: Will I look the same?
A: Actually, you will look the same at all. Your face and eyes will get puffy. The first time you look in a mirror, you probably will recognize yourself.
Q: Will I float in my sleep?
A: Yes, if you are not tied down. And then you should be careful because you will bump into things all night long. Trust me. You can get hurt!
Q: I like salt and pepper on my food. Will I be able to use salt and pepper on my food?
A: Yes you will have salt and pepper, but not like you do on Earth—the grains just float away