I’ve just finished reading a fascinating article about Felicia Mabuza-Suttle. Actually, I’ve read several articles about her this year. She’s a very famous international businesswoman and talk show host in South Africa. Guess what! We have something in common! She and her husband had a “computer marriage” for more than 15 years, and they are still happily married! She’s living in Johannesburg, South Africa; he’s living in Atlanta, Georgia. That’s a whole ocean apart! They met in 1970s. In the first 10 years of their marriage they lived in more than 10 cities. Then, in the early 1990s she returned to South Africa to help her country. It wasn’t an easy life, but they both feel it’s been very worthwhile. Their situation makes our problems seem not that bad. Joe and I are only 3,000 miles apart, and we managed to see each other a lot since we left Detroit. But, to be honest, I was happier when we lived together in Detroit. I hope we can live together again someday soon.
30 jun 2010
An Interview
- How long have you been married?
- How long have you lived in Detroit?
- When have you got a job offer?
- When have your company moved?
- How long have you lived apart?
- How often you saw each other last month?
- How often have you seen each other this month?
- When have you started to communicate by e-mail?

- In the 1990s Joe had long hair. Since then, he has worn his hair very short.
- In the 1990s Joe was a clean-shaven. Since then, he has grown a beard.
- In the 1990s Joe was heavy. Since then, he has loose some weight.
- In the 1990s Joe was a student. Since then, he has become a professor.
- In the 1990s Joe lived in a dormitory. Since then, he has bought a house.
- In the 1990s Joe was single. Since then, he has got married.
Phone Conversation
Joe: Hi, hon! How was your day? I bet you’re glad it’s over.
Maria: I’m Ok—a little tired. I only slept a few hours last night. I’m writing this big report, and I haven’t stopped worrying about it all week.
Joe: You were tired for weeks. You need to relax a little. Listen—why don’t I come see you this weekend? We’ve seen each other only twice this month.
Maria: Sound great, but remember the last time you came? I haven’t done any work, and I still haven’t catch up.
Joe: I understand. Now, why don’t you have a cup of coffee and relax?
Maria: Coffee! You’re kidding! I’ve already had five cups today. And yesterday I drank at least six. I can drink another drop.
Joe: You have a rough week. Try to get some sleep.
Maria: I can’t go to sleep yet. I haven’t finished my report, and it’s due tomorrow.
Joe: Well, I hope it goes fast. Good night, hon. I’ll call you tomorrow.
Maria: Bye honey. Speak to you tomorrow.
It Hasn’t Been Easy
Thursday, September 28
It’s 8:00 P.M. it’s been a hard day, and it’s not over yet! I still have to work on that report. I began it last night, but so far I wrote only two pages. And it’s due tomorrow! Work has been so difficult lately. I worked late every night this week. I feel exhausted and I haven’t gotten much sleep last night. And, of course, I miss Joe. Even though I saw him last week, it seems like a long time ago. This commuter relationship is beginning to get me down. We lived apart for too long. Oh, there’s the phone. I hope its Joe.
Discover The Grammar
It’s 2005. Joe’s family moved to Houston in 1995. They still live there.
Joe’s family has lived in Houston for 10 years.
Last year Joe and Maria enjoyed their vacation in Canada.
They had a good time.
Joe is telling his friend about present job. His friend asks,
“How long have you been there?”
Joe is telling Maria that the weather in Los Angeles has been too hot for the past five days.
The weather is uncomfortable now.
Joe studied the piano for 10 years, but he doesn’t play anymore.
Joe played the piano for 10 years.
Maria wants to move to Los Angeles from Boston, but she must find a job first. She is interviewing for a job in Los Angeles. She says,
“I’ve lived in Boston for two years.”
This month Maria and Joe have met once in Boston and once in Los Angeles. They will meet once more in New York.
They’ve seen each other twice his month.
Maria’s mother visited Maria in Boston. When she got home, she wrote,
“It was a great visit.”
Maria and Joe haven’t e-mailed each other this week.
Joe’s computer has been broken.
We have received many comments from our clients. We’d like to share some with you.
I’ve always been afraid of heights. But after I saw the beautiful photos on your website, I knew I had to go hot-air ballooning! This has been one of the best experiences of my life. Thank you!
Britta Kessler, Germany
We’ve just returned from the best vacation we’ve ever had. I’ve told all my friends about your company.
James Hudson, Canada
I’ve always wanted to go up in a hot-air balloon. I was not disappointed.
Antonio Vega, Mexico.
I’ve just gotten my photos back! Fantastic!
Bill Hampton, USA
I’ve never gone hot-air ballooning, but after visiting your wonderful website I’ve decided to sign up!
Amalia Lopes, Brazil
We gave our parents a balloon trip as an anniversary gift. They’ve just written to say it was fantastic. They’ve ever been very adventurous, but now they want to go rafting!
Pat Calahan, Ireland
Have you ever seen the face of a kid on a hot-air balloon ride? The cost of the ride: a lot. That look on her face: priceless!
Lydia Hassan, New Zealand
I broke my leg last month, so I haven’t been able to do sports—boring lately! Your mountain balloon trip has just given me a lift—in more than one way!
May Roa, Philippines
First Time Up!
Evan: Hot-air ballooning! What’s it like? I’ve never done this before!
Andy: You’ll love it. I’ve went up a few times, but I haven’t done it lately.
Evan: Have you traveled a lot?
Andy: Yes, I have. I’m a travel writer, so it’s part of my job.
Evan: That’s great! Have you ever been on a safari?
Andy: No, I haven’t, but I’ve always wanted to go.
Evan: Me too. I’ve been to Africa several times. In fact, I’ve just got back from a trip there. But I’ve never been on a safari.
Andy: Look. They have just finished getting the balloon ready. It’s time to go up!

- He hasn’t rented a car.
- He’s rented a motorcycle.
- He hasn’t ridden a camel.
- He’s jumped out of an airplane with a parachute.
- He’s gone up in a hot-air balloon.
- He hasn’t spent time on a desert island.
- He’s eaten some really unusual food.
- He hasn’t taken photos of wild animals up close.
- He hasn’t crossed the Andes on horseback.
- He’s sailed a boat on the Nile River.
- He’s swum with dolphins in the ocean.
- He hasn’t been on a safari.
- He hasn’t flown around the world.
- He hasn’t gone on an organized trip.
TT: As a travel writer, you’ve visited many places. Any favorites?
RG: Thailand. It’s a beautiful, amazing country. I’ve been there fives times, and I can’t wait to go back.
TT: What is your most unusual travel experience?
RG: My most unusual? I have so many! I’ve swum near sharks (in a cage, of course!), I’ve eaten dinner next to an active volcano, I’ve slept in an ice hotel in Finland…
TT: The world has become a lot smaller. There are fewer “undiscovered” places. Have you ever found a really great place and decided not to tell your readers about it?
RG: No. I’ve thought about doing that a few times, but I have never kept a place secret. I have always written about it.
TT: Where have you just come back from?
RG: I have just returned from a hot-air ballooning trip in Australia. It was really fantastic.
TT: Where are you going next?
RG: On an African safari! I have never gone on one, and I really excited.
TT: Good luck! I look forward to your African safari article.
Adventure vacations have become very popular.
They are popular now. TRUE
I have never been to eh Himalayas.
I went to the Himalayas a long time ago. FALSE
I’ve just returned from China.
I was in China a short time ago. TRUE
Greg asks you, “Have you ever been to Costa Rica?”
Greg wants to know when you were in Costa Rica. FALSE
Marta asks you, “Have you read any good travel books lately?”
Marta wants to know about a travel book you read last year. FALSE
We have visited Egypt several times.
This is not our first visit to Egypt. TRUE
Ask The Party Planner!
Doug asked: Help! My party is next week and I haven’t figured out the food yet! I’ve already wasted three days worrying, and I still don’t have any ideas. What should I do?
The Party Planner’s Advice is: Don’t panic! Your guests haven’t started arriving yet, so there’s still time. Ask everyone to bring something! (You’ve already invite people, right?) Or order pizza. I haven’t met anyone yet who doesn’t like pizza.
Rosa asked: I’d like to find a “theme” for my next birthday party. I’ve already had a pasta party (10 kinds of pasta!), and I’ve already given a movie party (everyone dressed up as a movie character). Any ideas?
The Party Planner’s Advice is: Sure. Have you tried this one already? No yet? Ask each guest to bring a baby photo of him- or herself. Collect the photos. People try to match the photos with the guests! Your guests will love it!
First Things First

- He’s already picked a date.
- He hasn’t chosen a time yet.
- He’s already found a location.
- He’s already written a guest list.
- He’s already bought invitations.
- He hasn’t sent invitations yet.
- He hasn’t asked friends to help yet.
- He hasn’t planned the menu yet.
- He’s already picked out music.
- He hasn’t shopped for food yet.
- He hasn’t cleaned the house yet.
- He’s already borrowed some chairs.
Party Talk
A: This is a great party. Have you tried the cake yet?
B: No, I haven’t. But I’m going to have a piece now.
A: Jenna, I’d like you to meet my friend Carlos.
B: We have already met. Marta introduced us.
A: Would you like another cup of coffee?
B: No, thanks. I have already had three cups!
A: I don’t see Jenna. Has she left yet? It’s still early!
B: No, she hasn’t. She’s in the Kitchen.
A: Have you seen Coppola’s new movie already?
B: Yes, I have. It’s great. What about you?
A: I haven’t seen it yet, but I want to.
A: This will be a great party. I’m giving my own party next week.
B: I have already planned the whole thing, but I’m still a little nervous about it.
Discover The Grammar
I’ve already given many parties.
This will be my first party. FALSE
I haven’t baked the cake yet.
I plan to bake a cake. TRUE
Have the guests arrived yet?
I’m surprised that the guests are here. FALSE
Has Jenna left already?
I’m surprised that Jenna left. TRUE
Have you had a cup of tea yet?
I don’t know if you had a cup of tea. TRUE
Carlos has already met my sister.
I need to introduce Carlos to my sister. FALSE