Yesterday, when I was walking to the church, a car hit with a tree. The man in the car was looking for help and people were just looking the accident, when I saw, my cell phone sounds, and it was my dad waiting for me in the church. I told him what happens and he was saying me that the man in the accident needed help, when the car was burning and the man in the car was screaming. One minute later, the fire truck was helping the man. When the man fire truck came, the police was arriving too. The police were evacuating people when the man was taking to the hospital. Then I go to the church and the father was finishing the mass. Then, when I was going to my home, my friends took me to a cafe, and I told them the accident.
7 jun 2010
Description of the picture.

Two women were looking to the sky. The right one was wearing a dress and the left one was wearing a blouse with jeans. A man and a woman were talking and laughing. The woman was wearing a sophisticated dress and the man was wearing a shirt. The women and the men in the back of the picture were looking for someone. The man was thinking about anything. In the front, the women were looking lost. While the women and the man were laughing, the two girls were drinking margaritas. While the woman was looking for someone the man was smoking.
Officer - Suspect conversation.
Officer: What were you doing last night?
Suspect: I was dancing in a party.
Officer: What exactly party were you dancing.
Suspect: Cantera Magic Land. I got to the party at 8:30, and then I had fun.
Officer: Was anyone else having fun with you?
Suspect: Yes, a friend. She left me with a girl.
Officer: What was the name of that girl?
Suspect: Her name was Cristela. She introduces herself and we were dancing all night.
Officer: Did someone else saw you with Cristela?
Suspect: Yes, some friends. They were drinking at the party.
Officer: What were your friends doing after the party?
Suspect: They went to my friend’s house.
Officer: How did your friends go to your friend’s house?
Suspect: They took a taxi.
Officer: Do you remember the company of the taxi?
Suspect: No, I don’t. I only remember that was yellow.
Officer: But the yellow taxis disappear the last year.
Suspect: Yeah, but it was new taxi, the white-yellow taxis.
Officer: Oh yeah, and why did you don’t remember the company of the taxis, if the white-yellow taxi only has one company?
Suspect: I don’t know. I can’t remember.
Officer: I need you to get out to the police office.
Suspect: Oh no! Give me a chance only to go to the bathroom.
Officer: Ok. But then we’ll go to the police office.
Suspect: OK. Thanks officer.